Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Dinoscore: Ane Brun

I keep a list of songs I come across that I like. That way, when I finally get around to telling you about them, I remember what they are. Problem is, today I went halfway through the list before I found anything that I liked enough to tell you about. I guess there are days I'm in a different mood and that makes me pick songs that don't strike me at other times.

Another dilemma was a couple of bands/musicians that seem to not find it as important to have a way to find them on the internet as it is for them to record their music because their online identities were too non-existent for me to be able to find anything else.

Well, with all that out of my way, I think I'll tell you about Ane Brun. You might already know about her. I don't own a lot of her music. I've had Treehouse Song for awhile and Do You Remember came through Paste in the last year or so.

Her sound is a little different for me, but I find myself liking her music, I think it kind of works as a palette cleanser for me. If you haven't heard her, give her a chance.

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